Meet Erica
CEO of Ephesians 6 Productions/
E6 Coaching & Consulting
“Detours can obstruct your vision and keep you a little further from your purpose. The thing that we must understand though is this... The Detours are hard but they are Necessary for the Journey.” These are the words written in a popular Stage Play called Detours by Erica Jackson. Erica is no stranger to the Detours of this life. Her Detours have caused her to experience low self-esteem, low self confidence, and insecurities. She always had dreams of writing a play, creating an Empowerment Conference, being a Life Coach, and so much more! However, these insecurities prevented her from doing so for 14 years! During this time, she learned that God had to MANIFEST some things within her! Now she is ready to help YOU do the same!

My experience with Erica Jackson as a mentor was encouraging.She encouraged me not to rush life and that whatever God has planned for me will come. She made me feel like I was in a safe space and never judged me. She is a great woman of God and will never give you the wrong advice. She is the best person to encourage and build up young ladies.
- Christina Cobb
Ephesians 6 helped me to get my business started. Erica gave me great advice and good feedback on all my questions I had about starting my own company. She's a great motivator and an amazing friend. I would recommend her to all my small business owner colleagues.
- Krissy Franklin (CEO/FOUNDER of Kingdom Business Outreach Services)
Went to see this play a couple of weeks ago. When I tell you it was such a amazing play. My God.. I think everyone in the room was able to relate & walk away with something from the play. The actors was amazing as well. The singers was on point. And the writer and director of the play Erica Jackson I look forward to seeing more of your work. I believe your name would be all over the place in lights in no time. You don't know how much I needed that message at that moment. If you have not seen it I hope it’s an encore of the play soon or a part 2. I know I'll be there to support if so...
- Nicole Jones